Green Jobs & Careers

Green Jobs Spotlight: Sales and Membership Development – Green Restaurant Association, Boston, MA

Green Restaurant Association (GRA) is a 19-year-old international, non-profit organization with the mission of creating environmental sustainability in the restaurant industry. The position goal is to expand the number of companies working with the Green Restaurant Association. This position is responsible for communicating the business benefits of becoming a Certified Green Restaurant® to restaurants in the U.S. and Canada. He/she fields calls and emails from interested restaurants from around the world; and he/she outreaches to restaurants in all 50 states through phone, email, mail, association meetings, trade shows, etc. All efforts of sales and membership development have the goal of signing contracts with individual restaurants, chains, and restaurant groups. Once the contracts are signed, the restaurant becomes the responsibility of another GRA team member who helps them implement the environmental changes.

Internship Spotlight: Energy & Sustainability Analyst Internship – TRC Companies, Clifton Park, NY

TRC is seeking a qualified energy and sustainability analyst intern to support commercial, institutional and residential energy efficiency and green building programs across the Northeast. Candidates must possess knowledge of building systems, energy efficiency, green building and sustainability. The energy and sustainability analyst intern will work collaboratively with clients to develop market transforming programs that promote energy efficiency and green building.

Green Jobs Spotlight: Director, Sustainable Development Initiative – University of Colorado Real Estate Center, Boulder, CO

The University of Colorado at Boulder’s Initiative for Sustainable Development (ISD) educates, activates and unites stakeholders from across the University, the West, and the nation in pursuit of the best ideas, practices and policies in the growing field of sustainable land use and real estate development. The Director of the Sustainable Development Initiative will develop an interdiscplinary initiative within the Real Estate Center that creates a center for Sustainable Development and Growth Management, including an academic program to teach growth management and sustainable development principles and practices.

Local Green Jobs Roundup: Winsconsin, Iowa, Oregon, and Illinois

RecyGrow hopes to create 500 green jobs in WI. Culver Signs Wind Energy Bill to Bring 2,300 Green Jobs To Iowa. Oregon House Considers Green Jobs Legislation. Exelon and SunPower to Develop Nation’s Largest Urban Solar Power Plant Creating 200 Jobs in Chicago.

MSNBC’s Top Green Industries to Watch

Last week, MSNBC published a list of ten green job industries that show indications of tremendous growth. The article provides an overview about each industry trend, details about where most of the jobs are in these industries, the types of jobs available and resources to use for more information.

Making a Career Transition from Tech to CleanTech

The desire to make the career transition from IT to cleantech is an extremely popular one. The reasons are fairly obvious. After 30 years of tremendous innovation and high growth, there appears to be less opportunity than there once was. Whereas cleantech seems to be a area open to new out-of-the box thinking and has a landscape of great opportunity. This is the time when you can really make your mark and IT professionals seeking to make a green career transition have an advantage over many others seeking to do the same. Network engineering and systems operations, user front-end development, software development, and embedded device development are just a few areas where IT professionals will find themselves in great demand. There are skills transferability opportunities on almost every level.

INTERNSHIP SPOTLIGHT: North Carolina Wind Energy Summer Internship

The Coastal Wind Initiative at the North Carolina Solar Center provides education and outreach on wind energy technology to communities in coastal North Carolina. The Wind Energy Intern will help with the development and delivery of the program’s outreach campaign, including assisting with public workshops, updating factsheets, and managing website content.

Debunking The Spanish Study on The Dire Result of Green Jobs Creation – Updated January 1, 2011

By now, everybody has heard about the Studyt out of Spain that supposedly proves that Obama’s green jobs program is a loss cause that will hurt our economy. I think there are numerous flaws with that study. In this update, we have Spain’s response to his claims, proof that his data was falsified, an explanation of how the renewable energy investment did not have the major negative impact on business, in Spain, that his analysis was too simplistic to be applied in any real world model, and what most economists believe is the major cause of Spain’s high unemployment rate. I will also bring to light extremely relevant facts, that the study fails to mention or factor in to the study, and review the US’s history and results from past renewable energy investments. That’s right we have been investing in renewable energy for years.

Fellowship Spotlight: Environmental Defense Fund Diversity Fellowship Program

Environmental Defense Fund is looking for diverse candidates who are seeking a professional experience in environmental advocacy. The Diversity Fellowship is a full-time, one-year position focused on a project that is integral to one of EDF’s key program areas – Oceans, Ecosystems, Climate or Health. The Fellow will have the opportunity to work closely with our staff on a significant project, develop core professional skills, understand our approach to environmental issues, and develop an understanding of environmental advocacy as a career path.

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