Retrofitting Industrial Ecology for Increased Profitability and Environmental Improvement

Retrofitting Industrial Ecology for Increased Profitability and Environmental Improvement

Industrial Ecology is the practice of making industrial systems operate more like natural systems. This involves less wastage and associated benefits in terms of profitability and environmental improvement. However, in order for these systems to work it is essential that those indstries involve are capable of beneficial interaction. This article asks whether, given the required interaction options, retrofitting of industrial ecology priniciples to exisiting industry has potential.

Interview: Will Kirksey On Sustainable Water Recycling

Interview: Will Kirksey On Sustainable Water Recycling

Will Kirksey, SVP of Worrell Water Technologies, is passionate about finding practical, ecological solutions to the increasingly urgent water issues in the US. I spoke with him at The New Green Economy Conference in Washington, D.C., just before he facilitated a session targeted at forming policy recommendations on sustainable water reuse. Worrell Water’s water reuse system, the Living Machine, was picked as one of the ‘coolest green products’ at Greenbuild, 2009. Will recently authored the white paper, Sustainable Water Infrastructure for the 21st Century.

Veterans LEED Exam Costs Reimbursed

Veterans LEED Exam Costs Reimbursed

Veterans, eligible dependents, and reservists can seek up to $2,000 reimbursement for the cost of any LEED Professional Exams administered by the Green Building Certification Institute (GBCI). Those interested in applying and learning more about the program and related certification benefits should view the VA’s pamphlet on licenses and certifications.

EPA Issues New Rule Targeting Construction Site Water Pollution

EPA Issues New Rule Targeting Construction Site Water Pollution

Beginning February 1, 2010, an estimated 82,000 construction sites must comply with the EPA’s new regulation governing construction site discharge. The new regulation outlines stricter measures to reduce water pollution and the EPA expects compliance with the rule to reduce the amount of sediment and other pollutants discharged from construction sites by 4 billion pounds per year.

Call for Papers- Focus on Sustainability: Fifth Biennial Urban History Association Conference

Call for Papers- Focus on Sustainability: Fifth Biennial Urban History Association Conference

This conference will investigate the history of urban futures across many time periods in several Metropolitan areas and countries. The Program Committee is seeking submissions for panels, roundtables, and individual papers on all aspects on urban, suburban, and metropolitan history. The Committee is requesting sessions on the host city, Las Vegas, focusing on its history of rapid, expansive growth.

USGBC Call For Proposals and Reviewers For Greenbuild 2010

USGBC Call For Proposals and Reviewers For Greenbuild 2010

The USGBC is accepting proposals for educational sessions and applications for peer reviewers to evaluate these proposals for the 2010 Greenbuild Conference.

The Tao and the How of Green Marketing

The Tao and the How of Green Marketing

It’s not good enough to just be green anymore, you have to be great. Your product or service needs to break through the green clutter. It must do its job better, more economically, more efficiently with less ? It must be positioned better, and packaged better. It should communicate its unique promise of value better.

Win the Carbon 14 $50,000 Environment Award

Earth Day – April 22, 2010 will see someone awarded the Carbon 14 Environmental Award worth $50,000. If you are making our oceans cleaner, conserving our energy, reducing our carbon footprint, getting involved in environmental causes or, doing anything at all to help our environment you have a chance to win.

Global Change Education Program Graduate Research Environmental Fellowship

The U.S. Department of Energy-Office of Biological and Environmental Research (BER) funds the Global Change Education Program (GCEP) to promote undergraduate and graduate education and training supportive of the Department’s global change research activities. Global change research encompasses a number of technical areas, including atmospheric sciences, ecology, global carbon cycles, climate, and terrestrial processes.