Celebrating Nine Female Environmental Leaders – Share Your Favorites

Celebrating Nine Female Environmental Leaders – Share Your Favorites

As part of our ongoing celebration of green women during women’s history month, we are spotlighting ten women environmentalists in the United States who work tirelessly to protect the environment. Help us make this list more comprehensive by adding additional women who you feel have made an enormous difference with their conservation work in the comments section. Also do not forget to check out our list of women working in sustainability and women working in the solar and wind industries.

EPA Issues New Rule Targeting Construction Site Water Pollution

EPA Issues New Rule Targeting Construction Site Water Pollution

Beginning February 1, 2010, an estimated 82,000 construction sites must comply with the EPA’s new regulation governing construction site discharge. The new regulation outlines stricter measures to reduce water pollution and the EPA expects compliance with the rule to reduce the amount of sediment and other pollutants discharged from construction sites by 4 billion pounds per year.