Sustainability as a Profession?

Sustainability as a Profession?

What kind of jobs are available in sustainability, what kind of education and experience are required, will sustainability persist or will it fade away? Such questions lead one to ask what is sustainability? Multiple people have multiple definitions depending on their unique take on it. The triple bottom line is emerging as a defining conceptual explanation for what sustainability means, but widespread understanding of what this means remains somewhat shallow. This post suggests some of the expertise aspiring sustainability professionals should have.

Retrofitting Industrial Ecology for Increased Profitability and Environmental Improvement

Retrofitting Industrial Ecology for Increased Profitability and Environmental Improvement

Industrial Ecology is the practice of making industrial systems operate more like natural systems. This involves less wastage and associated benefits in terms of profitability and environmental improvement. However, in order for these systems to work it is essential that those indstries involve are capable of beneficial interaction. This article asks whether, given the required interaction options, retrofitting of industrial ecology priniciples to exisiting industry has potential.