Election Does Not Spell Cleantech Doom

Election Does Not Spell Cleantech Doom

The loss of the Democratically controlled Congress, does not spell doom for cleantech.  Republicans and Democrats can find common ground in areas like energy efficiency, renewable energy standards, R&D, government procurement, and a gas tax.  Additionally, global macro-economic trends will continue to have an impact on our energy policy. by David Gold, Lead Partner for […]

Interview Series: Transition to a Clean / Green Career #2: From Software to Solar

This is the second installment of my weekly series of interviews I have conducted with people who have made a career transition to the clean/green sector. Last week focused on my interview with with Glenn Booth, VP of Marketing & Business Development at Cool Energy, Inc. He has made the transition from telecom to solar. This week we are presenting my interview with Laks Sampath, who is a Principal with ElliptlQ Energy Partners, who transitioned from working with dotcoms to solar.

Sustainable IT Solutions Will Trump Failed Green IT Marketing

The first wave of green IT solutions failed to make sustainability benefits tangible according to a new study conducted on the sector by the independent research firm Verdantix. However, innovative IT sustainability solutions just released into the market or on the horizon for 2010 – will quickly demonstrate the tech sector’s role in supporting corporate sustainability strategies.