Sustainable Nukes?

Sustainable Nukes?

The nuclear crisis in Japan is a wake up call demonstrating that nuclear power is not the silver bullet against climate change that governments and advocates have claimed. Much more effort, resources and political will has to be directed toward alternative sources of energy: energy saving, renewable, and changing of life styles.

27 Areas of Potential Job Growth In the Green Economy

27 Areas of Potential Job Growth In the Green Economy

Stephen Hinton, provides a compilation of professionals that will see growth as the US economy goes green. He predicts that those in STEM professions (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) will experience the most job security.

6 Things Green Company Hiring Managers Want To See On Your Resume

6 Things Green Company Hiring Managers Want To See On Your Resume

Stephen Hinton provides insight into what traits green companies are looking for in candidates and what skills and traits they expect to see on their resume. He lays out the six pieces of important information that you need on your resume to stand out and get hired.

Sustainable IT Solutions Will Trump Failed Green IT Marketing

The first wave of green IT solutions failed to make sustainability benefits tangible according to a new study conducted on the sector by the independent research firm Verdantix. However, innovative IT sustainability solutions just released into the market or on the horizon for 2010 – will quickly demonstrate the tech sector’s role in supporting corporate sustainability strategies.