Cleantech Boosts Jobs in Specific Regions and Segments

Cleantech Boosts Jobs in Specific Regions and Segments

As the nation seemingly and slowly pulls out from deep recession there is indication that cleantech sector employment is helping to lift some areas of the country and is starting to provide some jobs in what has been a painfully jobless “recovery” for far too many. This post, by John Addison focuses on some areas of his home state of California that are helping to drive the California economy and boosting jobs growth.

Interview Series: Transition to a Clean / Green Career #2: From Software to Solar

This is the second installment of my weekly series of interviews I have conducted with people who have made a career transition to the clean/green sector. Last week focused on my interview with with Glenn Booth, VP of Marketing & Business Development at Cool Energy, Inc. He has made the transition from telecom to solar. This week we are presenting my interview with Laks Sampath, who is a Principal with ElliptlQ Energy Partners, who transitioned from working with dotcoms to solar.

Free Webinar for Green Career Newbies

CareerApple, a career resource and coaching organization, is offering a free webinar, titled The CleanTech Series: Renewable Energy 101. The class for people interested in green careers, but have limited understanding about them. The 30 minute seminar is designed to help you learn about the past, present and future implications of renewable energy.