Do Oil Companies Pay Their Fair Share?

Do Oil Companies Pay Their Fair Share?

This post argues that the massive subsidies, mostly in the form of tax breaks, which the oil companies have long been getting are distorting our economy and causing it harm. By giving all these special subsidies and protections for the fossil fuel industry we hurt innovation here at home and our countries long term global competitiveness.

Cleantech Boosts Jobs in Specific Regions and Segments

Cleantech Boosts Jobs in Specific Regions and Segments

As the nation seemingly and slowly pulls out from deep recession there is indication that cleantech sector employment is helping to lift some areas of the country and is starting to provide some jobs in what has been a painfully jobless “recovery” for far too many. This post, by John Addison focuses on some areas of his home state of California that are helping to drive the California economy and boosting jobs growth.