How to Use Social Media for Better Corporate Social Responsibility

How to Use Social Media for Better Corporate Social Responsibility

As corporate social responsibility and social media collide, David Connor examines the outcome – and provides tips on getting the most from CSR via social media.

NASA Wants to Bag Biofuel From Sewage [UPDATED]

NASA Wants to Bag Biofuel From Sewage [UPDATED]

NASA scientists from the Moffet Field laboratory in California have proposed an ingenious process to grow algal biofuels in the ocean enclosed within large floating bags made of a special semi-permeable clear plastic membrane. Growing algae in floating bags in the sea solves several major problems that are faced by current land based methods of algal biofuel production in an elegant low energy, low impact manner. This is the kind of out of the box thinking that is needed in order to grow the green economy. Now, in updated news NASA engineers and industry veterans have launched a company, Algae Systems, to commercialize the process.