Clean Technology Trade Alliance Launches on Earth Day

The Clean Technology Trade Alliance will create green jobs by helping identify and grow clean tech businesses. Headquartered in the Seattle area, CTTA will focus on identifying US clean technology companies, profiling their products and services and provide a global sales force to identify and qualify business opportunities for its member companies.

Green Career Persectives: A LinkedIn Manifesto, Green Mentors, Skills of Environmental Professionals, In Demand Green Careers, Best Green Job Boards, Green Resume Advice

The following are links to green career advice and perspectives that I found around the web. The topics include: What are the the qualities you should look for in a green mentor. Find out 6 critical skills needed to be a successful environmental professional in the global “green” economy. Randy’s Career Tips provides a list of seven green jobs that are currently in demand. Green Gigs has compiled a list of what they see are the best industry specific green job boards. CleanTechies provides the most important things to consider when writing a resume. Carolyn, from Bright Green Talent puts forth, her Linkedin Manifesto.

Rebuilding the Economy with Green Collar Jobs

Rebuilding the Economy with Green Collar Jobs

Local Green Jobs Roundup: Detroit, San Francisco, Ohio, Nevada, New York and Florida

The wind energy industry will brings badly needed jobs to Detroit. Local green jobs are rising as San Francisco solar and energy efficiency incentive programs expand. Terra Community College in Ohio will be offering a new wind power certificate. A new study shows that investment in solar generating facilities could bring thousand of jobs to Nevada. Green initiatives bring new jobs to Brooklyn Navy Yard. Planned ‘Solar City’ in Florida will bring 20,000 jobs to the region.

The US Needs a Green Energy Marshall Plan Now!

The clean tech green energy sector is hurting badly – along with the rest of our economy. A lot of promising new firms are on life support finding it very difficult to raise desperately needed venture capital. We need to be laying the foundations for future growth now and there is no time to waste, I would argue that this is a paramount issue of national security, that it is not just about jobs or being “green”, but that it is an urgently vital necessity for our country’s future security. This is not an optional choice; it is not a luxury, a nice to have kind of thing; this is the very life blood of our country, of our industrial society. An industrial society needs energy and lots of it. America needs to urgently begin a national crash program of investing in domestically controlled renewable energy supplies, such as wind and solar right now while we still have a little breathing room to begin laying the foundations for a new American energy economy. It is a matter of national security.

Local Green Jobs Roundup: Denver, Annapolis, Wisconsin, Ohio and Los Angeles

A solar power plant construction will brings 200 green jobs to Denver. Annapolis will build a clean-energy industrial park. Feingold announced stimulus funds to create green jobs inWisconsin. Ohio hopes to offset job loss by investing in alternative energy and providing incentives to business. The Los Angeles building retrofit program is designed to boost green jobs.

Four Steps You Can Take to Get a Green Job within Your Own Company

There are four strategies you can use to get a green job within your own company. Green initiatives are gaining popularity and companies are increasingly launching green initiatives. They are likely to try to hire someone from the inside before looking for someone from the outside. Find out how you can get on the top of the list for consideration for these exciting career opportunities.