Are America’s Fears of a Greentech Race with China Unfounded?

Are America’s Fears of a Greentech Race with China Unfounded?

There has been growing talk about a clean-tech race between China and the U.S., often cast in ominous tones. But the quest to develop and implement renewable energy can be one where both nations win.

Finding a Green Job in a Crap Economy – Should You Relocate?

How to Find a Job In This Crap Economy. Allison Hemming, author of Work it! How to Get Ahead, Save your Ass and Land a Job in any Economy!. and owner of Hired Guns, a talent agency that places creative professionals in high profile positions recently gave some career advice for Flavorwire, How to Find a Job In This Crap Economy [Ask an Expert]. She gave lots of great advice. However, the tip she provided that will stand out for people looking to making a move to a green career covers the issue of relocating to find working in a green field.