Leading the Charge to Make Solar as Cheap as Conventional Electricity

Leading the Charge to Make Solar as Cheap as Conventional Electricity

Suntech CEO, Zhengrong Shi, a prime mover in helping to turn China into a global force in photovoltaic technology, has been a major influence in bringing China’s solar PV cost structure down and making China a powerhouse in photovoltaic technology–and became a billionaire in the process. Shi’s ambition is to make solar power as cheap as conventional electricity.

High Efficiency Solar Cells Can Be Made At a Much Lower Cost

High Efficiency Solar Cells Can Be Made At a Much Lower Cost

Scientists at the California Institute of Technology have developed a new type of solar cell that comprise of arrays of thin silicon wires embedded in polymer substrate. The unique optical interactions between these wires provide the cells with an enhanced light absorption capability and improved internal quantum efficiency over conventional solar cells. These new cells are much cheaper to produce on account of the very low amounts of silicon needed to build them. The superior structural flexibility possessed by the silicon wire array solar cells is expected to further reduce their production cost since they can be produced using a lower-cost process.

Are America’s Fears of a Greentech Race with China Unfounded?

Are America’s Fears of a Greentech Race with China Unfounded?

There has been growing talk about a clean-tech race between China and the U.S., often cast in ominous tones. But the quest to develop and implement renewable energy can be one where both nations win.