LEED Version 3 – A Whole Mess of Changes

I attended an information sessionrecently put on by the vice president of the Delaware Valley Green Building Council, Peter Levasseur. It was an excellent presentation, but if this thing gets any more complicated I may have to….well, I don’t know what I may have to do, but it would probably involved whining about it to deaf ears throughout cyberspace. Actually the changes, in my opinion, are very sensible, they just take a little time to go back and learn. And since human beings are very lazy (no it’s not just me), we don’t like having to learn something even once, let alone twice, and then again in another three years. C’mon didn’t we graduate from school for a reason?

The 13 Most Needed Licenses and Certifications in This New Green Economy

Stephen Hinton, of Hinton Human Capitol has compiled a list 12 licenses and certifications that he thinks will be in demand as the green initiatives in the stimulus start to be implemented and cleantech investments increase. See his list.