Software to Hold “Greenwashers” Accountable

Software to Hold “Greenwashers” Accountable

Consumers’ growing interest in environmental sustainability has prompted companies to launching major ad campaigns touting their green credential, often with misleading claims. Enterprise Carbon Accounting (ECA) software can have the infrastructure necessary to hold greenwashers accountable.

Carbon Accounting Software Market Experiencing Tremendous Growth

Carbon Accounting Software Market Experiencing Tremendous Growth

carbon accounting softwareWhile other industries are sputtering along or even tanking, as a result of the global recession, the emerging Enterprise Carbon Accounting (ECA) software market is experience a phase of phenomenal growth. The number as providers has almost doubled, venture capital money is flowing freely and Groom Energy predicts that ECA software purchases will increase 600 percent by 2011

The 13 Most Needed Licenses and Certifications in This New Green Economy

Stephen Hinton, of Hinton Human Capitol has compiled a list 12 licenses and certifications that he thinks will be in demand as the green initiatives in the stimulus start to be implemented and cleantech investments increase. See his list.

Calling All Accountants Seeking a Green Career

Over at JustMeans, Dave Stanis, of the Campbell Soup Company, speculated that based on current trends, carbon accounting will be a growing, in demand, career specialty. He recommends taking classes in carbon accounting. I think he is on to something because Groom Energy has declared 2009 the Year of Enterprise Carbon Accounting and a recent Greenhouse Gas Management Institute study revealed that the industry is suffering from a profound skills shortage. For those of you who have never heard of carbon accounting, it is the accounting undertaken to measure the amount of carbon dioxide equivalents that will not be released into the atmosphere as a result of Flexible Mechanisms projects under the Kyoto Treaty.