Announcing the UNEP FI Sustainability 2011 Global Roundtable

Announcing the UNEP FI Sustainability 2011 Global Roundtable

Announcement for the upcoming: UNEP FI 2011 Global Roundtable sustainability conference that is occurring on the 19-20 October 2011 at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, in Washington, DC. This is a biennial, high-level conference that typically attracts a select group of 600 plus sustainable finance and responsible investment leaders and thinkers for an intensive, two-day dialogue.

UN Climate Change Conference Ends with a Deal after Threats from China and Tense Disagreements

UN Climate Change Conference Ends with a Deal after Threats from China and Tense Disagreements

Progress was made on a number of important issues at the UN Climate Change Conference in Cancun last week, but the US Senate’s failure to pass clean energy legislation tied the hands of negotiators to come to a full global deal.

Copenhagen: The Gap Between Climate Rhetoric and Reality

As the UN conference moves through its second and decisive week, the calls for strong global action to deal with climate change do not appear to be penetrating inside Copenhagen’s Bella Center.

United Nations Report Says Forestry can Create 10 Million Green Jobs

The United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization says that investing in sustainable forest management, sustainable forest management can not only address climate issues, but also offset job losses caused by the economic downturn, by creating ten million new green jobs. Forests and trees are vital storehouses of carbon, so such an investment could also make a major contribution to climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts.

The UN’s Five Sectors Key to Sustainable Recovery and The Global Green New Deal

The United Nations has issued a Global Green New Deal Policy Brief by economists in the run of the G20 meeting of world leaders in London in early April. Among the findings of the brief is the assertion that investing one per cent of global GDP, or around $750 billion, into five key sectors could be the key to a Global Green New Deal.