DOE Doles Out $300 Million in Clean Cities Grants to Support Clean Fuels, Vehicles, and Infrastructure Development

Last week, Secretary Chu announcen nearly $300 million in Clean Cities grants to support clean fuels, vehicles, and infrastructure development. The projects are designed to create jobs, limit pollution, and reduce America’s dependence on foreign oil.

Messing with Mother Nature—Building Dams and/or Levee Systems on Medium and Large River Systems

This, the second article in the series The Two-Headed Dragon–Energy/Water/Food Scarcity and Climate Change — the Top Ten Policies that Feed It; Two New Technologies (and One Old) that Could Enable us to Slay It and Save the Planet focuses on the unintended side effects of large dams and levee systems. It specifically discusses how they are causing serious environmental problems downstream that are becoming more damaging than the benefits that these dams and levee systems provide. In many ways this cautionary tale is applicable to many other technological and large scale engineering interventions into natural systems, especially when these technologies and engineered systems are not well understood.

Fellowship Spotlight: Environmental Defense Fund Diversity Fellowship Program

Environmental Defense Fund is looking for diverse candidates who are seeking a professional experience in environmental advocacy. The Diversity Fellowship is a full-time, one-year position focused on a project that is integral to one of EDF’s key program areas – Oceans, Ecosystems, Climate or Health. The Fellow will have the opportunity to work closely with our staff on a significant project, develop core professional skills, understand our approach to environmental issues, and develop an understanding of environmental advocacy as a career path.