The Business Case for Life Cycle Assessment

The Business Case for Life Cycle Assessment

The environmental performance of products and processes has become a key issue, which is why some companies are investigating ways to minimize their effects on the environment. One such tool is Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA). Companies who succeed in integrating LCA with existing decision-making frameworks can achieve smarter sustainability.

Sustainable Product Design Basic Best Practices

Sustainable Product Design Basic Best Practices

Sustainable Brands Boot Camp’s sixth session served as an excellent introduction to sustainable design. Nathan Shedroff provided an overview of the principles, frameworks and tools employed by sustainable product designers and discussed some of the design strategies implemented today by leaders in this field.

Sustainable Packaging on the Rise

Sustainable Packaging on the Rise

Sustainable packaging is becoming a fact of life for companies that seek to remain competitive. Companies employing sustainable packaging report cost savings, improved environmental footprints, brand image and company reputation among other benefits. Those businesses that take the lead now will be ahead of the curve and enjoy the benefits in the future.