Green Marketing: Motivating Mainstream Consumers to Make Sustainable Choices

Green Marketing: Motivating Mainstream Consumers to Make Sustainable Choices

Today I attended a great session at Sustainable Brands conference by Suzanne Shelton, President and CEO of theShelton Group. Mainstream consumers are complicated. They know just enough buzz words to make you think they know more than they do, and most don’t actually go green to save the planet. How do mainstream consumers ACTUALLY make decisions about which green products to buy?

Business Pressures Driving Change and Innovation in the Supply Chain

Business Pressures Driving Change and Innovation in the Supply Chain

Andrew Winston, founder of Winston Eco-Strategies, kicked of day two of the Sustainable Brands 2010 conference with an informative talk on how the difficult environmental, economic and supply challenges that business and industry face, have changed that game and how those challenges are presenting opportunities.

Greenwashing’s Two-Edged Sword

Greenwashing’s Two-Edged Sword

The fear of being being branded as a “greenwasher” is holding back many companies from adopting and advertising their sustainable practices. While environmental advocates should continue to hold companies accountable for their claims, it is important for businesses that are going green to overcome their greenwashing fears and connect with their customers. The use of social media is a great way to establish authenticity, trust and transparency in this context.

Green Event Spotlight: LCA Sustainable Supply Chain USA 2010

Green Event Spotlight: LCA Sustainable Supply Chain USA 2010

LCA Sustainable Supply Chain USA 2010 (‘Measuring and Addressing Environmental & Social Impacts Throughout the Entire Life Cycle and Supply Chain’), the 7th event in the International Carbon Footprinting conference series, will be held on April 28-29 2010 in Chicago. The event will address sustainability and CSR issues pertaining to product life cycle assessment and supply chain with a focus on the consumer products industry sector.

Buy it Ethically: Embedding CSR in The Procurement Function

Buy it Ethically: Embedding CSR in The Procurement Function

Elaine reviews the procurement section of the Ethical Corporation’s latest research publication on How to embed Corporate Responsibility across different parts of your Company and how issues of sustainability and ethics are embedded in the supply chain.

Is Responsible Investing a Must, or a Should? UNEP FI on Fiduciary Responsibility

Institutional investors may have a fiduciary duty to consider environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors, according to a new study from the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI). In reporting on “Fiduciary Responsibility,” Social Funds’ Robert Kropp expressed the uncertainty that still surrounds the question of ESG-related fiduciary responsibilities.

Are Business Opportunities Found in Rising Resource Pressures?

Businesses around the world are feeling the pressures of rising energy, water, and the potential costs of emissions. While business risks and costs are driving many behavior changes, leading businesses are exploring sustainability concepts to identify opportunities. Many companies are addressing these risks by exploring the value aspects of business sustainability.

Role of the Board in Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability and Climate Change Growing

Boards of directors are increasingly paying attention to the risks and opportunities associated with corporate responsibility, sustainability and climate change, according to a new survey commissioned by Deloitte and Corporate Board Member magazine. The survey of 220 directors at U.S. companies with $1 billion or more in revenue highlights the board’s growing role in oversight of corporate responsibility and sustainability (CR&S). Despite the current economic environment the board’s role is undoubtedly increasing as there is greater awareness of the business risks and opportunities associated with corporate responsibility, sustainability and climate change. The perfect storm of emerging regulations, increased requirements for reporting and transparency, heightened pressure from investors, energy price volatility and market demands for green products and technologies is driving CR&S as a business imperative.