Consumers are Concerned, Yet Clueless, on ‘Green’ Technology

A recent global survey of 10,000 people in 21 countries reveals that most have a guilty conscience about their carbon footprint when using their home and office technology. However, the majority of respondents cannot identify their largest potential environmental impact points when it comes to printing, and that women are more knowledgeable and guilt-ridden about their green practices than men. The Lexmark sponsored study revealed a number of surprising results. Eight-five percent would often choose the most environmentally conscious printing option if given a “one-click” or “one-push” solution and 84 percent are more likely to buy a product if the manufacturer shows more responsibility and concern regarding recycling. Seventy-Five percent reported feeling guilty about printing unnecessary pages. Despite the high level of environmental consciousness, 64 percent INCORRECTLY think that the disposal of ink cartridges is the largest cause of pollution from printing.

Whirlpool Plans Smart Appliances by 2015

In a sign that the Smart Grid is beginning to gain critical traction and momentum in the wider economy Whirlpool, the world’s leading manufacturer and marketer of major home appliances has announced that it plans to have all of its electronically controlled appliances be Smart Grid compatible by 2015.