Clean Tech Looks Forward to Heavy Investment from Global Corporates

Clean Tech Looks Forward to Heavy Investment from Global Corporates

Spending in the clean technology industry shows no signs of decline and in spite of the global economic situation, spending by the world’s biggest companies in this area looks set to increase. A recent survey – conducted by leading professional services organisation Ernst and Young – yielded these results from consultations with more than 300 executives worldwide from corporations with revenues in excess of US$1bn.

Sustainability Initiatives are Viewed as Strategic but Lack Measurement

Sustainability Initiatives are Viewed as Strategic but Lack Measurement

A recent survey found that the majority of corporate sustainability leaders believe that their sustainability initiatives have significant strategic value for their organizations, but also feel that measurement for these initiatives are lacking, which makes communicating the outcomes of their efforts more challenging.

Sustainability Leadership in Global Corporations – Take The Survey

Stanton Chase International, a global retained executive search firm, is inviting you to share your expertise and insight by participating in a short sustainability survey that is designed to take 10-15 min. The purpose of the survey is to determine the preferred skill sets and core competencies of today’s Chief Sustainability Officers “CSOs” and compare these findings to the skill sets that CEOs anticipate these positions will require five years from now.

Consumers are Concerned, Yet Clueless, on ‘Green’ Technology

A recent global survey of 10,000 people in 21 countries reveals that most have a guilty conscience about their carbon footprint when using their home and office technology. However, the majority of respondents cannot identify their largest potential environmental impact points when it comes to printing, and that women are more knowledgeable and guilt-ridden about their green practices than men. The Lexmark sponsored study revealed a number of surprising results. Eight-five percent would often choose the most environmentally conscious printing option if given a “one-click” or “one-push” solution and 84 percent are more likely to buy a product if the manufacturer shows more responsibility and concern regarding recycling. Seventy-Five percent reported feeling guilty about printing unnecessary pages. Despite the high level of environmental consciousness, 64 percent INCORRECTLY think that the disposal of ink cartridges is the largest cause of pollution from printing.