Poking Holes in the Corporate Responsibility Curriculum

Poking Holes in the Corporate Responsibility Curriculum

This post examines the state of Corporate Responsibility (CR) curriculum with a constructive criticism viewpoint. Does the current curriculum really fulfill on the potential of CR to equip companies to not just comply with society’s mandates but actually take a leadership role in helping to bring about a better world. The post goes on to examine five ways in which CR professional curriculum could be improved in order to help CR professionals have a wider impact on the affairs of the corporations they are helping to lead.

CSR in The Private Sector & Government: The Overlaps

CSR in The Private Sector & Government: The Overlaps

There are many and significant responsibility overlaps between the private sector and government. They include: how to assess whether a potential vendor is green; responding to the people or how the need for society to go green changes the marketplace;and understanding how an organization’s communications can have an impact on its image as a green organization.

Five Strategies for Building Your Ethical Brand Without Being Accused of Greenwashing

Five Strategies for Building Your Ethical Brand Without Being Accused of Greenwashing

There’s been a lot of discussion about elevating corporate responsibility to become a strategic driver of your business. Most companies would like to benefit from their ethical efforts in the form of increased customer attraction and loyalty, yet few have figured out how to do it successfully. When marketing and PR are relied on, it can often backfire in accusations of greenwashing. The secret is to apply brand-strategy principles to build your ethical reputation.

The Catch 22 of CSR Reporting and The Paradox of Trust

Guest Post by Elaine Cohen, Joint CEO of BeyondBusiness Ltd The purpose of a CSR report is to build trust. By operating transparently and responding openly to stakeholder concerns and aspirations, through a “fair and balanced” presentation of the material issues relating to your organization’s sustainability and corporate responsibility efforts, you build trust. Trust, so […]