Celebrating Women in Sustainability: 10 Women Making Strides in Sustainability – Updated January 26, 2011

Celebrating Women in Sustainability: 10 Women Making Strides in Sustainability – Updated January 26, 2011

There is an increasing number of women who are in leadership roles in sustainability. As part of Women’s History Month, let’s take a look at ten women who are making strides in sustainability and shaping ethical consumerism. Add women in sustainability that you admire to the list in the comments section.

Renewable Energy Firms Strike Gold with Green Employee Benefits

All things being equal, if a potential employer paid for your time away from the office to volunteer for an earth-friendly cause or provided you with free compact fluorescent light bulbs and an energy audit of your home, or even a hybrid car, would you be more inclined to join them? Leading by example, renewable energy firms are developing “green” or environmentally friendly employee benefits that align the core values of a CEO and culture of their organization with the core values of each employee.