Survey Identifies Over 300,000 Green Jobs in California

Survey Identifies Over 300,000 Green Jobs in California

According to a recent survey conducted by California’s Employment Development Department, the state has nearly half a million workers spending at least half or part of their time on green products or services. The goal of the study was to establish baselines of green employment and green business practices in California.

The Top Green Job Titles and Top Cities for Green Employment During The Recession

Green Dream Jobs and green workforce development consultant Jim Cassio, recently released data that shows the top green job titles posted by employers and in which cities over the past year – during the recession. Despite the fact that there are scores of studies that show the potential for green jobs going forward, many note the dearth of data on current green jobs in the U.S. economy. Green Dream Jobs has collected concrete historical and current data on the job titles employers are actually looking to fill.