Rising Hopes that Electric Cars Can Play a Key Role on the Grid

Rising Hopes that Electric Cars Can Play a Key Role on the Grid

Will electric cars one day become part of a network of rechargeable batteries that can help smooth out the intermittent nature of wind and solar power? Many experts believe so, pointing to programs in Europe and the U.S. that demonstrate the promise of vehicle-to-grid technology.

BP’s Loss, Our Opportunity: Driving Electric Can Help Cure Oil Addiction

BP’s Loss, Our Opportunity: Driving Electric Can Help Cure Oil Addiction

Oil has monopolized America’s transportation sector, but this is changing. By the end of 2010, several major automobile manufacturers, including Nissan, General Motors, Volt, Nissan,GM, Ford, Mitsubishi, Toyota, Volvo, BMW, and Mercedes will release their first generation electric vehicles – vehicles that allow you to run partially and even fully on electricity. The US government has also committed to spending millions of dollars to help prepare our cities and communities for the coming wave of electric vehicles.

Driving to Destruction: Failure of the Public Transportation Sector to Adapt to Changing Circumstances

Driving to Destruction: Failure of the Public Transportation Sector to Adapt to Changing Circumstances

By Jerry J. Toman, ScM

This, the fourth article in the series The Two-Headed Dragon ~ Energy/Water/Food Scarcity and Climate Change. Top Ten Policies that Feed it, and Two New Technologies that Could Enable us to Slay It and Save the Planet focuses on the issue of our car centric culture; how it has shaped our society and on ways we can shake ourselves free from this unsustainable dependence on spread out cities built around single occupancy vehicles (or SOVs).