Businesses Show Progress on Climate Change Reporting, But Room For Improvement Remains

Businesses Show Progress on Climate Change Reporting, But Room For Improvement Remains

The ACCA and GRI released a report during the Copenhagen Climate Change Summit that provides insight into the efforts of businesses worldwide to report on their greenhouse gas emissions and mitigation strategies. While noting positive steps in the right direction, the report details areas for improvement.

How Leading Companies are Pioneering Innovation in Carbon, Water and Waste

How Leading Companies are Pioneering Innovation in Carbon, Water and Waste

A summary of the second webinar in the Sustainable Brands Boot Camp series, Innovation Opportunities in Response to Today’s Environmental Hot Buttons: Climate Change, Water & Waste. The webinar was led by Will Sarni, CEO and founder of Domani Consulting, an integrated sustainability consulting firm, and featured examples of new, innovative business and product strategies from various markets that are successfully being brought to market in response to emerging environmental and social strains.

Greenopia Ranks Top Ten Carbon Offset Companies

Greenopia recently released a comprehensive ranking of the top ten Carbon Offset companies for mitigating personal climate impact produced by flying, driving, and from household energy consumption. Topping the list are TerraPass and EnPalo. Carbon Offsets have been under fire in recent years due to questions surrounding their overall effectiveness and transparency to the public. With over a billion tons of offsets being purchased each year, consumers are looking for a company they can trust. The entire carbon offset ranking results are at Greenopia.