Five Strategies for Building Your Ethical Brand Without Being Accused of Greenwashing

Five Strategies for Building Your Ethical Brand Without Being Accused of Greenwashing

There’s been a lot of discussion about elevating corporate responsibility to become a strategic driver of your business. Most companies would like to benefit from their ethical efforts in the form of increased customer attraction and loyalty, yet few have figured out how to do it successfully. When marketing and PR are relied on, it can often backfire in accusations of greenwashing. The secret is to apply brand-strategy principles to build your ethical reputation.

SOLAR ENERGY UPDATE: Concerns Raised About Impact of Solar Projects in The Mohave Desert, New 10MW PV Solar Energy Plant Planned for Chicago, Wal-Mart Expanding Its Use of Solar Power, India SEMI Has Plans to Get on The Global Dolar Map, First Solar to Build 53 MW Solar Facility in Germany

This update highlights several current issues and developments in the solar energy space. Concerns have been raised about the potential deleterious impact of utility scale solar energy projects in the fragile water poor desert environments of the Mohave Desert. Large scale solar collection farms use water to wash the mirrors and for concentrating solar thermal often use water for cooling.